ASICS Campaigns Pitch
Agency: United Entertainment Group
Role: Creative Director, Art Director
OOur outlaw audience wants to break away from the masses and go their own way, forge a path and create a version of themselves that is unique. Standing out is the destination. Experiences, ideas, stories and life are the journey.
Idea Statement
RUN FOR TMRW is a profile piece on our wild, energetic, worldly, charismatic, creative audience…30 years from now. We are going to show what it’s like to live a life where running has moved people to be their wild individual selves through the new ideas, experiences and culture running inspires. There is nothing in sports marketing that looks like this.
Reason to Believe
This is going to turn heads. Only 6% of people photographed in advertising are over 50. Yet the over-50s who are doing it right are the role models of the 20-somethings. This bucks the ‘young, beautiful’ look of the industry while appealing to the young and beautiful – and everyone else. It presents an image of those over 50 that everyone can aspire to.
Guiding Truth
The definition of ‘winning’ is wrong. It is a narrative fed to us over decades by the 3 or 4 voices that have dominated the sports category. There is more to running than finishing first. A lot more.
Idea Statement
This Is Winning redefines what it means to ‘win.’ It reflects the actual ‘wins’ that happen in the daily lives of young runners and pits them against society’s definition of grandstand success and glory.
What are we fighting against?
The notion that winning is about money, ego and hierarchy. You can win every day in all sorts of ways if we change the perspective from society’s current definition of ‘ winning.’
A big part of the campaign involved motivational pieces on social media. Partnering with Aoki, he would post videos and imagery delivering his workout and prep routines for his busy, always-on-the-move lifestyle.